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How to Write Content and Descriptions That Get Discovered


Writing great content is important. When people find your content, it needs to be useful, provide great value, and be enjoyable to consume. But how do people find your content in the first place? The secret: You have to know how to write copy for both humans and computers.

On February 25th at the Global Speakers Summit in Auckland, New Zealand, this was the topic of one of two sessions I was asked to present. Unfortunately, family circumstances kept me from traveling, but thanks to the organizers, I was able to deliver the content virtually with the help of my friend and innovation speaker Christian Buchholz.

Here’s the recording of the session for those who want to learn more about the strategies behind creating content that can be enjoyed by humans and is searchable by computers.

Want to get a worksheet that will help you analyze your YouTube channel and make better descriptions? Here’s a free download.

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