The Whole "About Me" Part
You want to learn more about me? See some credentials? Gain a sense of my personality? You’ve come to the right place. Sure, I’ll give you the official bios that you can use in event programs and on media releases below. And at the end of the day, what you really want to know is–can she do what she says she can do and will she be able to deliver on her promises.
The answer is yes. And if not, I will do what I need to do to make it right.
If you’re looking for the consultant, speaker, or trainer who will smile big, tell you everything is perfect, and beat around the bush with broad sweeping theories, a whole lot of fluffy motivation, and no tactical, executable takeaways…well, you’ve come to the wrong place.
And while I will smile big, when appropriate, I pride myself on being able to make the theoretical tangible for my clients in a way that drives results. Whether that’s adding to bottom-line revenue, re-imaging meetings and events to make them more human and effective, or arming your team with actionable strategies to improve their professional–and personal–communication, I take out the fat and leave you with the leanest cut of meat I can (or, for those who prefer, the most well-seasoned and prepared piece of tofu).
A website can only tell you so much. If you’re interested in working together, let’s have a conversation. Together we can see what type of custom collaboration we can create to drive the results that you’re looking to achieve.

Speaking of Being DYNAMIC, Why is That Your Business Name?
Remember when “word clouds” became all the rage over a decade ago? I used one for a quick visualization and it resulted in my business name.
That’s the short story.
The longer version involves a pivot away from the first business I created, Impromptu Guru (site still archived for posterity; don’t judge the aged-out design) that was focused solely on public speaking and presentation skills coaching.
When I uprooted my comfortable life in Gilbert, Arizona to move to New York City in 2014 I thought, “why not uproot my branding as well…”
At a complete loss of what to do, I asked others. Then I realized that I already had. I gathered hundreds and hundreds of surveys and evaluations, put them all into a single document, ran that document through wordle (to make a sexy word cloud), and like magic the word DYNAMIC popped out on the screen.
Not one to take one source of data as truth (I am a recovering academic after all) I then did a word frequency count. Turns out that the word DYNAMIC was mentioned more than double the nearest descriptive word. And, just like that, a brand was born.
(Okay, so it wasn’t “just like that”… I did work with a consultant to solidify the trajectory and whatnot, but that doesn’t make as clean of an ending to the story.)

Here's the Official Bio I Promised
Now, Jill focuses on providing custom communication training and strategies for her clients—through workshops, keynote speaking, consulting, and virtual training. She’s helped clients all over the spectrum learn dynamic communication skills: from Boomers, to Millennials, to Generation Z—from Fortune 50 companies, non-profit organizations, and even some reluctant professional athletes.
She’s a VIP contributor to Entrepreneur, and a livestream video personality. She has a syndicated YouTube channel that teaches communication skills and reaches thousands each week. She’s written communication textbooks used at multiple universities, is a frequent guest on a wide range of podcasts, and has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, CNET, and Time. Her latest book, Dynamic Communication: 27 Strategies to Grow, Lead, and Manage Your Business from Entrepreneur Press was a #1 New Release in multiple Amazon categories.

Here's a Shorter Bio
Some of the Amazing Organizations I've Had the Honor of Serving
- American Express
- AARP Foundation
- Arizona State University
- Bank of America
- Cengage-Wadsworth
- Charles Schwab
- Engage by Cell
- Entrepreneur
- Juzo Medical Supplies
- L’Oreal
- LPL Financial

- Mantis Hotel Group
- McGraw-Hill Higher Education
National Speakers
Association -
NFL Super Bowl Player
Networking Event - Norwegian Cruise Line
- Oceana Cruises
- Quark Expeditions
- Virtuoso
- WNBA Phoenix Mercury
- Women in Manufacturing
Other Bits and Pieces You May Find Amusing
The most amazing thing I’ve ever heard in my life is, “Chance, meet your Aunt Jill.”
The second most memorable is, “Jill Schiefelbein…you…are…an…Ironman!”
I grew up in a small town in Kansas. Next to an ostrich farm. And much to my mom’s dismay, used to chase tornados with my dad.
While I no longer live in New York City and now call North Topsail Beach, NC home, I’ll always have part of my heart in NYC…and part of my sweat on the stairway of the Empire State Building where I climbed the 102 stories in a race benefitting the Challenged Athletes Foundation.
I once dressed up as Trinity from The Matrix to emcee an event, unleashed a killer high kick, and then switched quickly into an evening gown and fired a t-shirt cannon into the audience wearing Jimmy Choos. There is proof of both on my social media accounts.
Crocheting is my secret ninja skill. Really.
Bourbon-based cocktails are quite possibly the best thing I’ve discovered in my 30s. Now to see what the 40s will bring…
The thing I’m most passionate about in life (outside of family and friends who are family) is learning, and my favorite way to learn is through travel. My second favorite way is through serving others.
And if you’ve read this far, we’re clearly meant to collaborate, and to be friends. So why hesitate?

I was once nipped in the booty by a penguin in Antarctica. Proof or it didn’t happen? Here you go. You can see him going in for the nibble.